Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sundiata Keita

Sundiata Keita was a puissant prince and founder of the Mali Empire. The famous Malian ruler Mansa
Musa who made a pilgrimage to Mecca was his grandnephew

Sundiata Keita of Mali Occupation: King of Mali Reign: 1235 to 1255 Born: 1217 Died: 1255 Best known for: Founder of the Mali Empire Biography: Sundiata Keita was the founder of the Mali Empire in West Africa. He ruled from 1235 to 1255 CE and established the Mali Empire as the dominant power in the region. Legend Much of what we know about Sundiata, especially his childhood and how he came into power, comes from stories passed down orally through storytellers throughout the centuries. Although much of what we know about Sundiata is legend, he was a real king who really existed and established the Empire of Mali. Growing Up Sundiata was born around 1217 CE. His mother, Sogolon, was the second wife of King Maghan of Mali. Growing up, Sundiata was ridiculed as a cripple. He was weak and couldn't walk. However, King Maghan loved Sundiata and protected him.

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