Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Where does this irrational hate of black people come from?

Where does this irrational hate of black people come from?
It really makes no sense. Where does it come from? I am specifically looking for an unbiased white person's point of view. As a black person, these people are seen as enemies so we cannot get close. However, I know that every white person seems to have the drunken, bigoted uncle or cousin. Why are they like this? Historically, philosophically and socially, it makes no sense and the origins of the hate are irrelevant now and even then.

Why are black people hated? I can go to a comment section on any website that isn't Quota or Cracked and find a bunch of bigoted comments from people of all colors, but everything is focused on black. Whenever bigots give their reasoning (their "ebonics", "crime", "robbery", "danger", "they hate us","they are savage apes and chimpanzees"), it is all completely irrelevant to them and highly exaggerated to epic proportions. It also can be summed up to: "they hate our culture, our ways, our food, our lifestyle (good or bad), our struggles, OUR EXISTENCE. It defies all logic in astronomical proportions. Where does this irrationally disturbing hate come from?

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